Plants terrestrial, slender, up to 0.34 m high. Leaves cauline, 4 or more, ovate-lanceolate, acute, up to 85 x 32 mm. Inflorescence dense, up to 120 mm long, few to many flowers. Flowers 28 x 15 mm, sepals pale green, petals and lip yellow. Sepals unequal; median sepal narrowly oblong, acute, 9-11 x 2.5-3.0 mm, adnate to petals; lateral sepals spreading, saccate, acute, 9-11 x 5 mm. Petals erect, subobdeltate, upper margin crenulate, 7-12 x 5-7 mm. Lip with 2 broad diverging, rounded lobes, 7-9 x 5-8 mm, sometimes with a minute ventral tooth, appendage erect, stout, apex with large ventral cavity, 5-7 x 5 mm. Flowering time Sept.-Nov.
Slender to fairly robust, tuberous geophyte to 30 cm. Leaves cauline, ovate-lanceolate. Flowers many in a fairly dense raceme, ± 28 x 15 mm, sepals pale greenish, petals and lip yellow, lip with 2 broad lobes, appendage erect and rather stout.