Terrestrial herbs with undivided sessile tubers. Stems unbranched. Leaves arranged along the entire length of the stem but radical leaves usually larger and more densely arranged. Inflorescence terminal, usually densely flowered but occasionally lax. Bracts ovate to lanceolate. Flowers re-supinate, yellow to deep orange or grey or white. Sepals free from each other, spreading or reflexed. Petals united to the margins of the dorsal sepal to form a hood. Lip united to face of column and adnate to it between the stigmatic lobes and rostellum-arms, narrowed into a claw at the base and expanded into a reflexed entire portion towards apex, generally smaller than the petals, produced above the junction with the column into a large, erect, variously shaped, fleshy appendage; spur absent. Column short, dilated, produced in front into 2 horizontal processes; pollinaria 2, each with sectile pollinium, caudicle and viscidium situated at the apex of the column-processes; stigma situated between the arms of the rostellum, horseshoe-shaped or forming 2 cushion-like tuberculate lobes. Capsule cylindrical or obovate, with prominent ribs.