Plants terrestrial, slender, 0.13-0.35 m high. Leaves 2-4, ovate-oblong, up to 210 x 60 mm. Inflorescence lax, up to 80 mm long, 2-many flowers. Flowers 20 x 15 mm, pale green with small purple dots on petal and median sepal apices. Sepals unequal; median sepal oblong-elliptic, subacute, 8-14 x 4-5 mm, adnate to petals; lateral sepals spreading, elliptic, saccate, apices recurved, 7-12 x 3-4 mm. Petals subrotund, margins erose, undulate, 6-10 x 8-12 mm. Lip broadly rounded, erose, acute, 3 x 3-5 mm long, appendage 3-pointed, 4-7 x 3 mm. Flowering time Jan.-Mar.
Slender herb, up to 0.35 m high. Flowers: inflorescence lax, 2-many; lip apex erose; lip appendage 3-pointed, bright green within; sepals bright green; petals white with small purple dots at apex; Jan., Feb.
Slender herb, up to 350 mm tall. Inflorescence lax, flowers 2 to numerous. Lip apex erose. Lip appendage 3-pointed, bright green within. Flowers green and white with small purple dots at apices of petals.