Rhizome elongate, creeping, 1-2 mm. diam., densely clad in pale brown to ferruginous linear-attenuate paleae; stipites approximate to distant, sparsely to densely clad with stellate hairs and with tuft of paleae at base, articulate on rhizome. Fronds dimorphic; lamina coriac., thick, dark green above, with scattered pale stellate hairs, becoming glab.; densely clad below in pale to buff matted stellate hairs; margin entire, occ. sinuate or shallowly lobed, recurved; main vein prominent below, veinlets hidden, copiously anastomosing: (a) of broadly obovate to suborbicular order, 10-35 × 5-25 mm. on stipites 5-10 mm. long, very seldom bearing sori: (b) of linear to oblong or elliptic order 3-15 cm. × 10-15 mm. on stipites 20-75 mm. long, bearing sori or not. Sori in two rows near margin, or densely placed, often confluent, over most of the lower surface, few to very ∞ 1-3 mm. diam.