A fine-textured, fire-blight-resistant Asian pear bred at Univ. of California, Davis. A cross between the Japanese pear, Kikusui, and the Chinese variety, Tse Li (Tsu Li); tested near Winters, Calif. as selection 12-43. Plant patent 6076; Jan. 1988; introd. by Ben Iwakiri in 1988. Origin: Tree: vigorous; large to medium; upright to slightly spreading, open; hardy; resistant to fire blight. Leaves large, wide, leathery. Blooms early, with Chojuro, slightly after Ya Li and Tse Li. Fruit: medium to large; round-oblate, slightly flatter than Daisui Li. Skin thick, smooth, light green to yellow-green; flesh firm, tender, crisp, juicy, sweet; texture finer than Daisui Li. Ripens early September at Davis; stores 5 to 6 months at 0C.