Leaves several, the lower 2–3 membranous and entirely sheathing (cataphylls); the foliage leaves narrowly lanceolate, plane with slightly raised midrib and margins.
Inflorescence a secund spike; floral bracts green or somewhat membranous to dry apically, the inner usually shorter than the outer.
Flowers zygomorphic, the tepals united in a long perianth tube, the upper tepal largest and arched over the stamens.
Perennial herbs with corms, aerial parts dying back annually; corms with membranous to slightly fibrous tunics.
Stamens unilateral and arcuate, the filaments exserted from the perianth tube; anthers parallel.
Style dividing opposite or beyond the anthers, style branches filiform.
Seeds 2–4 per locule, more or less globose.
Capsules globose, membranous.
Stem simple, or 1–3-branched.