Spreading, many-stemmed herb of up to 0.2 m high. Tuber up to 0.25(-0.45) x 0.20 m, spindle-shaped. Aerial stems up to 0.4 m long, 2-5 mm diameter, velutinous in younger stems, sparsely velutinous in older, purplish, branching lateral. Leaves spreading, sessile or petiolate; petiole up to 5 mm long, above with reddish colleters; blade folded lengthwise, (10-)30-50(-70) x 2-20 mm, very narrowly ovate, narrowly elliptic to narrowly obovate, ovate, elliptic or obovate or sub-orbicular; above glabrous, densely dotted, midvein glabrous or sparsely puberulous; beneath densely velutinous, midvein purplish, secondary veins arching and 5-10 to a side, apex acute or sometimes obtuse-mucronate, base cuneate. Inflorescences axillary, numerous along stem, compact pseudo-heads of ±10 flowers, densely velutinous, peduncles 1-3 mm long, pedicels 1-2 mm long; bracts 1-2 mm long, subulate. Sepals 2 x 0.5 mm, subulate to very narrowly triangular, velutinous, apex attenuate. Corolla velutinous outside; tube 2-3 mm long, campanulate; lobes spreading, 3-4 x 2 mm, oblong-ovate to ovate, chrome-yellow to yellow-green to green with base purplish, apex obtuse. Coronal feet fleshy, tri-segmented, free; central segment 2-3 mm long, filiform, papillose or glabrous, sparsely pubescent at base, purple, apex attenuate; lateral segments 1-2 mm long, subulate, whitish, yellowish or greenish. Stamens from inner face of coronal feet; anthers sub-sessile, 2-4 mm long, narrowly ovate, white with connective purple, full length slits, apex mucronate. Ovaries 1 mm long, style 1-2 mm long, terete, style-head ±0.75 mm long, narrowly ovoid, apex obtuse; translators ±0.7 mm long, spoon elliptic. Gynostegium in corolla mouth. Follicles solitary, 50-90 x 5 mm, very narrowly obovoid, apex tapering, curved. Seeds 10 x 1-1 mm, obliquely oblong-ovate, brown. It flowers during late spring to early summer, peaking in November.
Perennial herb, 70-200 mm high, with large underground tuber. Leaves with blade linear, 20-45 x 5-9 mm, V-shaped in cross-section, puberulous below, glabrous or scabrous-hirsute on upper surface, green-grey, lower surface a darker green; petioles 2-6 mm long. Flowers: sepals twice or more longer than broad, narrow, very acute, shorter than corolla tube or rarely equalling it; corona lobes deeply trifid; corolla green; Sep.-Mar. Fruit a follicle.
A herb that keeps growing from year to year. It grows 20 cm tall. It forms a thick tuber 10-20 cm below the ground. The tuber can be 25 cm across. The plant secretes a white latex when damaged. The leaves are greyish-green and opposite. They are small and sword shaped. The flowers are green. They in clusters in the axils of leaves near the ends of branches. The flowers are star shaped. The fruit are narrowly oval and 5-9 cm long by 4-6 mm wide.
Herb with large underground tuber, up to 200 mm tall. Leaves puberulous below, glabrous or scabrous-hirsute above. Sepals twice or more times as long as broad, narrow, very acute, shorter than corolla tube or rarely equalling it. Corona lobes deeply trifid. Flowers green.