Terrestrial herbs; stems erect, to 2 dm tall, 4-5 mm in diam., with the nodes slightly thicker, green to reddish, the internodes to 2 cm long, shorter above and pilose, below brown, glabrescent. Leaves often clustered toward the stem apex; blades obovate, 6-15 cm long, 3-6 cm wide, succulent to subcoriaceous, the apex rounded or obtuse, the base cuneate, slightly oblique, remotely serrulate to crenate or nearly entire, above dark green, glabrous, below lighter green, the veins promi-nent, sometimes reddish, sericeous; petioles 0.5-2 cm long, green or reddish, pilose. Inflorescences arising from the base of the petiole, many flowers in each cluster; peduncles and bracts lacking; pedicels slender, 3-4 cm long, reddish, hir-sute with reddish trichomes. Flowers with the calyx lobes free nearly to the base, lanceolate, elliptic or ovate, 4-6 mm long, 2-3 mm wide, the apex acute, entire, the outside pilose, the inside glabrous, the veins parallel, obvious; corolla pinkish white with yellow lines in the tube or white with a brown lined yellow throat, and with a brownish spot at the base of each upper lobe, the tube with a broad spur at the base, oblique in the calyx, funnelform, 1.5-2.1 cm long, 2-3 mm wide at the base, 5-8 mm wide at the throat, the outside pilose above, glabrous below, the in-side pubescent, the limb subbilabiate, ca. 1.3 cm across, the lobes unequal with the upper lobes shorter, ca. 5 mm long, reflexed, the lateral and basal lobes spread-ing, ca. 7 mm long, entire, glandular; stamens included, filaments ca. 1 cm long, curved, adnate to the base of the corolla tube for 1-2 mm, white, glabrous, the anthers coherent in 2 groups, staminode posterior, 1-2 mm long; disc reduced to a bibbed posterior gland, with minute lobes at the sides; ovary ovoid, laterally compressed, ca. 3 mm long, pilose, the style 7-8 mm long, pubescent, stigma stomatomorphic. Capsule globose but compressed laterally, surrounded by the persistent calyx, ca. 5 mm in diam., bivalved; seeds broadly fusiform, ca. 0.5 mm long, obliquely striate, dark reddish brown.