Shrub; branchlets puberulous at first but later glabrescent. Leaves opposite, petiolate, the petioles laterally compressed and channelled; blades acuminate, the midnerve channelled; primary and secondary nerve-axils bearing acarodomatia, venation densely reticulate; stipules ovate-triangular, recurved at the margins, densely pubescent inside and with large sparse colleters. Flowers hermaphrodite, possibly slightly heterostylous, 5–6-merous; inflorescences axillary, usually 4, superposed in a vertical plane in a fan-like manner, confluent in a basal pulvinus, pedunculate, the peduncles involucellate about the middle, cymose or trichotomously corymbose, 7–9-flowered; bracts and bracteoles absent. Calyx cupular, 5–6-dentate. Corolla shortly salver-shaped; tube with throat densely hairy. Stamens inserted in the throat in short-styled flowers; anthers oblong, dorsifixed, basally bilobed, the connective briefly apiculate. Disc cushion-shaped, minutely white papillate, impressed at the margins by the decurrent parts of the filaments at the base of the tube, apically lobed. Ovary 4–5-locular, with 4–5 axile placentas apically cut by a false septum which is broadly cordate; ovules numerous; style absent; stigma-lobes 4 or 5, terete, erect, short. Fruit not seen.