Plants epiphytic, more or less scandent and rooting at the nodes; leaves dis-tichous, the petiole about equaling the blade, long-vaginate, geniculate below the base of the blade; blades oblong to oblong-elliptic, slightly unequal at the base, the primary and secondary lateral nerves numerous, slender, subparallel, spreading or acutely ascending, arcuate near the margin; peduncles much shorter than the leaves, the spathe broadly ovate or oblong-ovate, abruptly cuspidate, longitudinally nerved, greenish outside, white or pink within, soon deciduous; spadix stipitate or sessile, cylindric, densely many-flowered, sometimes with only pistillate flowers at the base, but most of the flowers perfect; flowers naked, the stamens 4, the fila-ments rather broad, complanate, narrowed to the slender, acuminate connective; anthers rather broad, the cells elliptic, longer than the connective, dehiscent by lateral slits; ovary 4-angled, 2-celled, the ovules several or numerous in each cell, amphitropous; style thicker than the ovary, the stigma linear or rarely 2-or 3-lobate; berries small, cylindric-prismatic, truncate, 10-to 12-seeded; seeds attached by short funicles, vertically imbricate, rounded-reniform, lentiform, the testa minutely verruculose.