Prostrate, perennial herb, much-branched from a woody rootstock. Leaves erect, pinnately trifoliolate. Leaflets small, ovate-orbicular or subrhomboid, mucronate, conspicuously resinous-dotted, especially on lower surface. Inflorescence an erect, long-pedunculate, axillary, several-to many-flowered raceme, much longer than leaves. Flowers yellow to orange. Flowering time Sept.-Jan.
Perennial herb, climbing up to 0.6 m high. Stems procumbent, not twining. Leaves trifoliolate; terminal leaflet ovate-orbicular or subrhomboid, resinous-dotted, with veins glabrous on lower surface; stipules narrowly ovate. Flowers: not reflexed; peduncles longer than leaves; calyx pubescent, segments narrowly ovate; corolla yellow; Sep.-Jan.