Rhynchosia Lour.

Snoutbean (en)


Angiosperms > Fabales > Fabaceae


Climbing, prostrate or sometimes erect herbs or subshrubs, rarely pyrophytic. Leaves 1-foliolate or pinnately, rarely subdigitately, 3-foliolate, bipinnate in one South African species; leaflets with usually very conspicuous resinous gland-dots beneath; stipules present; stipels very small. Inflorescences axillary or terminal, racemose or paniculate, the flowers rarely solitary; bracts present, often well developed; bracteoles absent. Calyx 5-lobed; lobes unequal, the upper pair ± joined. Corolla small or medium-sized, frequently yellow lined with brownish-purple; standard with small auricles, but without or with only traces of appendages or calli, glabrous or hairy. Vexillary stamen free; anthers uniform. Ovary (1–)2-ovuled, often velvety; style mostly long, tenuous and mostly hairy beneath, incurved, glabrous, somewhat flattened and usually stiffened above; stigma small, terminal. Pods almost circular to narrowly oblong, compressed, often falcate, frequently glandular and velvety. Seeds reddish-brown, black or sometimes bright blue, compressed-globose or subreniform; hilum rounded to elongate, lateral, short, or at least never extending more than a quarter of the periphery; rim-aril obsolete to well developed but mostly absent in African species, save for a few, e.g. in sect. Nomismia.
Usually vines, creeping or twining, rarely erect shrubs or subshrubs. Leaves pinnately 3-foliolate; stipules usually caducous; stipels persistent or absent; leaflets usually with sessile glands abaxially. Inflorescence axillary, racemose, sometimes branched or 1-flowered. Bracts usually deciduous, rarely persistent. Calyx campanulate, 5-lobed, upper 2 lobes ± connate, lowest 1 longer. Corolla longer than calyx or short; standard circular or obovate, base with inflexed auricles, with or without appendage; wings and keels subequal, inflexed. Stamens diadelphous; vexillary stamen free; anthers uniform. Ovary sessile or subsessile; ovules (1 or)2; style curved above middle, usually hairy at lower part; stigma terminal. Legume oblong, oblanceolate, obovoid-ellipsoid, obliquely orbicular, sickleform, or ellipsoid, dehiscent, compressed or inflated, (1 or)2-seeded, not septate, apex always beaked. Seeds (1 or)2, usually suborbicular or reniform; hilum round, funicle in middle, strophiole small or absent.
and beneath; stipules caducous, striate, free; stipels reduced when present; pet-ioles 1.2-8.0 cm long, villous; petiolules 0.4-3.0 cm long, terminal petiolules longer than the laterals. Inflorescence racemose, axillary; bracts caducous or persistent, small, striate. Flowers with the calyx campanulate, the upper teeth at least partly connate; corolla papilionaceous, usually yellow with maroon mark-ings, the standard obovate, auriculate with a short claw, the wings oblong, not auriculate, the claw narrow, the keel falcate, wider than the wings, the claw attenuate; stamens diadelphous, the vexillary stamen free, the anthers mono-morphic; the style slender, the stigma entire, capitate, the ovary sessile, biovu-late. Fruits ovate to oblong, 2-valved, pubescent, gland-dotted; seeds 2 ovate, black often with some red, hilum lateral, ovoid to elongate.
Cal-tube short, obconic, nearly regular, the lobes about equal, lanceolate, much exceeding the tube, the 2 upper connate part-way; pet about equal in length; standard broadly obovate, narrowed to the base; wings oblong, blunt; keel-pet oblong, somewhat incurved; stamens 10, diadelphous; ovary and fr pubescent; style glabrous; fr flat, dehiscent, 1–2-seeded; trailing, twining, or erect perennial herbs with 1-foliolate or pinnately 3-foliolate lvs and lacking stipellules; fls small, yellow, in axillary racemes, without bracteoles. (Dolicholus) 200, warm reg.
Seeds reddish-brown, black or sometimes bright blue, compressed-globose or subreniform; hilum rounded to elongate, lateral, short, or at least never extending for more than a quarter of the periphery; rim aril obsolete to well developed, but mostly absent in African species, (except in a few cases, as in section Nomismia for example).
Leaves 1-foliolate or pinnately, rarely subdigitately, 3-foliolate (bipinnate in one South African species); leaflets usually with very conspicuous resinous gland dots beneath; stipules present; stipels very small.
Ovary (1)2-ovuled, often velvety; style mostly long, tenuous and mostly hairy on the lower part, incurved, glabrous, somewhat flattened and usually stiffened above; stigma small, terminal.
Corolla small or medium sized, frequently yellow lined with brownish-purple; standard with small auricles, but without or with only traces of appendages or calli, glabrous or hairy.
Herbs or subshrubs, twining or trailing, erect to ascending; stems terete to angular and striate.-Leaves trifoliolate, ovate to rhomboid, gland dotted above
Inflorescences axillary or terminal, racemose or paniculate, the flowers rarely solitary; bracts present, often well developed; bracteoles absent.
Pods almost circular to narrowly oblong, often falcate, compressed, frequently glandular and velvety.
Climbing prostrate or sometimes erect herbs or subshrubs, rarely pyrophytic.
Calyx 5-lobed; lobes unequal, the upper pair ± joined.
Vexillary stamen free; anthers uniform.
Life form perennial
Growth form
Growth support -
Foliage retention deciduous
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) -
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color -
Blooming months -
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer rhizobia
Photosynthetic pathway -


Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 4-10


Uses -
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Rhynchosia unspecified picture


Rhynchosia world distribution map, present in China, Panama, and United States of America


LSID urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:326398-2
WFO ID wfo-4000033144
BDTFX ID 168492
INPN ID 445687
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link


Orthodanum Chrysoscias Rhynchosia Copisma Cyanospermum Cylista Dolicholus Nomismia Polytropia

Lower taxons

Rhynchosia micrantha Rhynchosia michauxii Rhynchosia quercetorum Rhynchosia schomburgkii Rhynchosia stenophylla Rhynchosia swartzii Rhynchosia corylifolia Rhynchosia phaseoloides Rhynchosia reniformis Rhynchosia amabilis Rhynchosia melanocarpa Rhynchosia americana Rhynchosia difformis Rhynchosia reticulata Rhynchosia tomentosa Rhynchosia heynei Rhynchosia albissima Rhynchosia angustifolia Rhynchosia arida Rhynchosia buchananii Rhynchosia calvescens Rhynchosia caribaea Rhynchosia chevalieri Rhynchosia clivorum Rhynchosia connata Rhynchosia cooperi Rhynchosia erythraeae Rhynchosia harmsiana Rhynchosia fleckii Rhynchosia galpinii Rhynchosia genistoides Rhynchosia acuminatifolia Rhynchosia heterophylla Rhynchosia hirta Rhynchosia macrantha Rhynchosia malacotricha Rhynchosia mannii Rhynchosia mensensis Rhynchosia nervosa Rhynchosia nitens Rhynchosia nyasica Rhynchosia hirsuta Rhynchosia pauciflora Rhynchosia quadrata Rhynchosia resinosa Rhynchosia totta Rhynchosia tricuspidata Rhynchosia verdcourtii Rhynchosia viscidula Rhynchosia villosa Rhynchosia rostrata Rhynchosia viscosa Rhynchosia schimperi Rhynchosia acuminatissima Rhynchosia senna Rhynchosia avensis Rhynchosia calcicola Rhynchosia harae Rhynchosia longipetiolata Rhynchosia marcanii Rhynchosia nummularia Rhynchosia nepalensis Rhynchosia bullata Rhynchosia arenicola Rhynchosia balansae Rhynchosia caaguazuensis Rhynchosia calycosa Rhynchosia cinerea Rhynchosia discolor Rhynchosia parvifolia Rhynchosia pringlei Rhynchosia prostrata Rhynchosia tarphantha Rhynchosia naineckensis Rhynchosia emarginata Rhynchosia pyramidalis Rhynchosia alluaudii Rhynchosia braunii Rhynchosia brunnea Rhynchosia calobotrya Rhynchosia chrysoscias Rhynchosia ciliata Rhynchosia cana Rhynchosia dekindtii Rhynchosia divaricata Rhynchosia exellii Rhynchosia ferruginea Rhynchosia ferulifolia Rhynchosia holosericea Rhynchosia holstii Rhynchosia holtzii Rhynchosia insignis Rhynchosia kilimandscharica Rhynchosia laetissima Rhynchosia leucoscias Rhynchosia longissima Rhynchosia lukafuensis Rhynchosia luteola Rhynchosia monophylla Rhynchosia pentheri Rhynchosia pinnata Rhynchosia preussii Rhynchosia pseudoviscosa Rhynchosia reptabunda Rhynchosia schlechteri Rhynchosia sordida Rhynchosia spectabilis Rhynchosia stenodon Rhynchosia thorncroftii Rhynchosia usambarensis Rhynchosia vendae Rhynchosia woodii Rhynchosia rhomboidea Rhynchosia rojasii Rhynchosia hauthalii Rhynchosia androyensis Rhynchosia madagascariensis Rhynchosia versicolor Rhynchosia chinensis Rhynchosia yunnanensis Rhynchosia himalensis Rhynchosia kunmingensis Rhynchosia aurea Rhynchosia courtallensis Rhynchosia falconeri Rhynchosia filipes Rhynchosia hainesiana Rhynchosia meeboldii Rhynchosia komatiensis Rhynchosia capensis Rhynchosia singulifolia Rhynchosia stipitata Rhynchosia scutulifolia Rhynchosia torrei Rhynchosia filiformis Rhynchosia edensis Rhynchosia chimanimaniensis Rhynchosia flavissima Rhynchosia variegata Rhynchosia jacobii Rhynchosia pegleri Rhynchosia portobellensis Rhynchosia atropurpurea Rhynchosia chapmanii Rhynchosia bungarensis Rhynchosia cytisoides Rhynchosia edulis Rhynchosia lateritia Rhynchosia latifolia Rhynchosia longeracemosa Rhynchosia macrocarpa Rhynchosia mantaroensis Rhynchosia crassifolia Rhynchosia crispa Rhynchosia microscias Rhynchosia pulchra Rhynchosia secunda Rhynchosia adenodes Rhynchosia ambacensis Rhynchosia ramosa Rhynchosia scutulaefolia Rhynchosia speciosa Rhynchosia splendens Rhynchosia teixeirae Rhynchosia ledermannii Rhynchosia oblatifoliolata Rhynchosia oblongifoliolata Rhynchosia ovatifoliolata Rhynchosia castroi Rhynchosia chrysantha Rhynchosia erlangeri Rhynchosia tamaulipensis Rhynchosia megalocalyx Rhynchosia flava Rhynchosia leandrii Rhynchosia pseudocajan Rhynchosia claussenii Rhynchosia leucophylla Rhynchosia yucatanensis Rhynchosia lutea Rhynchosia dielsii Rhynchosia densiflora Rhynchosia chapelieri Rhynchosia chapelieri Rhynchosia grandifolia Rhynchosia ovata Rhynchosia harveyi Rhynchosia rothii Rhynchosia gabonensis Rhynchosia erythrinoides Rhynchosia chapelieri Rhynchosia swynnertonii Rhynchosia rogersii Rhynchosia elisae Rhynchosia delicatula Rhynchosia ravii Rhynchosia ganesanii Rhynchosia smithiana Rhynchosia chrysoscias Rhynchosia pedunculata Rhynchosia bolusii Rhynchosia coddii Rhynchosia franciscana Rhynchosia lewisii Rhynchosia ngwenyii Rhynchosia rosaurae Rhynchosia sousae Rhynchosia bicentrica Rhynchosia foliosa Rhynchosia rothii Rhynchosia goetzei Rhynchosia distans Rhynchosia diversifolia Rhynchosia orthobotrya Rhynchosia rudolfi Rhynchosia salicifolia Rhynchosia teramnoides Rhynchosia australis Rhynchosia angulosa Rhynchosia azuaensis Rhynchosia burkartii Rhynchosia capitata Rhynchosia rufescens Rhynchosia candida Rhynchosia suaveolens Rhynchosia dieterlenae Rhynchosia elegans Rhynchosia gandensis Rhynchosia gansole Rhynchosia gossweileri Rhynchosia huillensis Rhynchosia malacophylla Rhynchosia nyikensis Rhynchosia ovata Rhynchosia peglerae Rhynchosia procurrens Rhynchosia pseudoteramnoides Rhynchosia pulverulenta Rhynchosia stipata Rhynchosia sublobata Rhynchosia velutina Rhynchosia stipulosa Rhynchosia wellmaniana Rhynchosia zernyi Rhynchosia baukea Rhynchosia alba-paulii Rhynchosia buettneri Rhynchosia pycnostachya Rhynchosia harveyi Rhynchosia nipensis Rhynchosia pallida Rhynchosia potosina Rhynchosia acutissima Rhynchosia congensis Rhynchosia beddomei Rhynchosia bracteata Rhynchosia volubilis Rhynchosia wildii Rhynchosia nelsonii Rhynchosia albae-pauli Rhynchosia axilliflora Rhynchosia barbertonensis Rhynchosia baumii Rhynchosia biballensis Rhynchosia lineata Rhynchosia platyphylla Rhynchosia monticola Rhynchosia precatoria Rhynchosia minima