Inflorescences 9–24 cm long, including the 5–9 cm long peduncle, axillary, spreading, showy, with same indumentum as stems, usually unbranched but sometimes with a branch at top of peduncle; pedicels 3–6 mm long; bracts 5 × 1.5 mm, ovate-lanceolate, soon deciduous.
Standard yellow with red-brown veins radiating from a basal blotch, darker purple when dry, 11–12 × 8–10 mm, obovate, glabrous; keel with darker apex, purplish when dry, mostly slightly longer than the standard.
Calyx appressed pale brown pubescent; tube 3–5 mm long, cupular; lobes 1.2–3 mm long, triangular-ovate, the lowest the longest and more acuminate.
Pods 3.3 × 1 cm, oblanceolate-falcate, pilose and with shorter hairs and glands, tipped with bent style base.
Climbing herb or liane to 3 m long; stems with rather tangled appressed or pale brownish hairs.
Ovary densely pilose; style strongly bent.
Ripe seeds not seen.