Leaflets 3, 1.1–6 × 1.1–5.5 cm, oblate, ovate or rarely reniform, the laterals usually somewhat oblique, rounded to shortly acuminate at the apex, rounded or minutely subcordate at the base, glabrescent to pubescent and glandular on both surfaces; petiole 6–25 mm long; rhachis 4–18 mm long; petiolules 0.8–1.5 mm long; stipules 4 × 1 mm, lanceolate, veined, pubescent.
Inflorecences mostly short, axillary, often subsessile; rhachis 1.5–8 cm long; peduncle 0.3–1.5(5) cm long; pedicels 1.5–3 mm long; bracts deciduous, 3 × 5 mm, linear-lanceolate, pubescent.
Calyx pubescent and glandular; tube 3 mm long; lobes 2.5–6 mm long, triangular to linear-lanceolate, the lowest the longest, the upper pair joined for half to two-thirds of their length.
Standard yellow, often with purple veins, 10–13 × 8–9 mm, broadly elliptic-obovate, glabrous or pubescent, particularly towards the apex; wings yellow; keel greenish-yellow.
Perennial somewhat sticky erect, rarely scrambling or prostrate herb or subshrub with several stems, 0.3–1.2 m tall, from a woody rootstock.
Pods 2.5–3.4 × 0.8–1 cm, oblong-falcate, aristate, narrowed at the base, finely pubescent and glandular and with longer hairs as well.
Seeds deep reddish-brown, 3 × 2.5 × 1 mm, oblong-reniform.
Flowers yellow with purple streaks.
Stems pubescent and glandular.
Lax viscid-hairy branches