Perennial herb, climbing up to 300 mm high. Stems procumbent or climbing; pubescent. Leaves trifoliolate; terminal leaflets ovate or broadly ovate, 30-45 x 25-40 mm, cordate at base, apex acute, pubescent on all veins on lower surface; petioles longer than or nearly as long as leaflets; stipules ovate to narrowly ovate, up to 10 mm long, striate. Flowers: inflorescence terminal, laxly 2-6-flowered; peduncle 50-175 mm long; pedicellate; corolla yellow; Oct.-Feb.
Prostrate perennial herb; stems long trailing from a tuberous rhizome, pilose hairs interspersed with orange glands. Leaves pinnately trifoliolate. Leaflets ovate to widely ovate, pilose especially on main veins, with scattered orange glands. Stipules paired, conspicuous, falcate-oblong, subobtuse. Inflorescence a lax, 2-6-flowered raceme. Flowers small, yellow. Flowering time Sept.-Mar., with a peak in Nov.