Corolla yellow with keel dark purplish at tip; standard 22 × 12 mm including 5 mm long claw, obovate, densely pubescent outside; wings 8 × 4 excluding 6 mm long claw, elliptic-oblong; keel much longer, 1.5 × 7 mm excluding 7 mm long claw.
Calyx densely glandular pubescent; tube 5 × 6 mm; upper lobes joined for 3 mm to form a bifid lip 5 × 5 mm, laterals 5 × 2.5 mm, triangular, acuminate, lowest lobe 8 × 2.5 mm, triangular-lanceolate.
Pods immature, 25 × 7 mm, oblong, densely covered with long silky gland based ± appressed hairs.
Inflorescences short, 1(3?)-flowered; peduncle c. 10 mm long; pedicels 6 mm long.
Shrub (0.6)1.2–1.5 m tall; stems dark, densely pale yellow-brown pubescent.
Androecium 2 cm long.
Seeds not seen.