Stem erect, cano-pubescent, longitudinally striate. Stipules lanceolate, subacuminate, Leaves trifoliolate, subsessile or petiole very short, terminal leaflets obovate or oblong-obovate; lateral leaflets unequalsided. Racemes longer than the leaves, many-flowered. Peduncles canescent-tomentose. Flowers yellow, the standard being striate with brown lines. Calyx hairy, segments lanceolate, two uppermost connate, 6-7 mm long, distinctly shorter than the petals. Standard obovate glabrous 10-12 mm long; wings spurred unguiculace; carina boat-shaped, apex obtuse, base unguiculate. Pod 18-20 mm long, glabrous, pointed, seeds black, reniform, 6 mm long.