Subshrub with woody branches.. Stems densely covered with tubercular-based glandular hairs.. Leaflets 3, ovate to ovate-rhomboid, the laterals oblique, 2·5–4·3 cm. long, 1·5–3·4 cm. wide, acuminate or sometimes 3-cuspidate, rounded at the base, hairy and glandular on both surfaces; petiole 1–2·5 cm. long; rhachis 5–7 mm. long; petiolules 2·5–4 mm. long; stipules usually reflexed and subpersistent, ovate to oblong-elliptic, 0·8–1·2 cm. long, 5–7 mm. wide, veined, hairy.. Inflorescences axillary and terminal, densely covered with white and glandular yellow hairs; rhachis 4–7 cm. long; peduncle 1–2 cm. long; pedicels 1·5–3·5 mm. long; bracts deciduous, elliptic, 1·1 cm. long, 7·5 mm. wide, shortly acuminate, hairy.. Calyx densely covered with white hairs and long yellow glandular-based hairs; tube 4 mm.; lobes lanceolate, 0·9–1·4 cm. long, the lowest the longest, the upper pair joined only at the base.. Standard yellow, flushed red-brown outside, broadly elliptic-obovate, 2·5 cm. long, 1·8–2 cm. wide, glabrous; wings yellow, probably with a purplish blotch at the apex of the claw; keel yellow tipped purplish.. Pod not known, but immature ones are densely covered with yellow tubercular-based glandular hairs.. Fig. 110, p. 730.