Stem widely spreading, texuous, hirsute. Stipules ovate, acute. Leaves trifoliolate, petiolate; terminal leaflets broadly ovate-orbicular or rhombeo-obovate, rigid hispid-pubescent, generally 2-5 cm long, 2.5-4 cm broad; petioles 1-2 cm long, hirsute Peduncles elongate, laxly and distantly 3-8 or sometimes more flowered. Flowers 10-12 mm long. Standard densely pubescent, about 10 mm long; carina boat-shaped, 8-10 mm long. Pod sessile, villous, 18-24 mm long.
Prostrate herb with long, much-branched, spreading or twining stems from a woody rootstock; stems striate, hairy. Leaves pinnately trifoliolate. Leaflets widely ovate-orbicular, blunt at tip, rigid, hispid-pubescent. Flowers yellow. Petals: standard red-veined, densely silky-pubescent. Flowering time Aug.-Feb. Rootstock used medicinally in Transkei.
A shrub.