Growth in flushes, internodes rather variable in length. Young twigs grooved, purplish to light-coloured but soon with grey bark; pith narrow; glabrous almost from the beginning to sometimes rather densely short-pubescent. Leaves largely distichous. Stipules 1-3(-3½) mm long, with broad base and narrow top, keeled, sometimes late caducous. Petiole 3-15 mm, leaving a conspicuous scar. Blade more or less thinly coriaceous, 10-17(-20) by 2¾-5½(-7)cm, widest at the middle or often well above, index (2.5-) 2.8-3.3(-4); base cuneate and slightly decurrent to seldom rounded, top acuminate; midrib flat to subprominent above, veins 5-9(-14) on either side, converging within the margin, comparatively slender, no domatia; reticulation distinct (less so in Indo-China), without much regularity; margins more or less distinctly dentate, rarely (sub)entire; surfaces dark green-brown with variants, mostly lighter underneath, dull but sometimes very glossy above, glabrous or with some hairs on the midrib beneath. Inflorescences mostly on the branchlets, axillary (sometimes a whole row of them on a leafless part of a twig), generally consisting of a bracteate pubescent axis 0.5-2.6 cm long, sometimes cluster-like or rarely simple to 3 cm long and then the flowers distichous, with 3-7 lateral cymes c. ½ cm long with a few to several flowers each; bracts resembling the stipules; pedicels 3-5 mm, jointed about the middle. Sepals more or less fleshy, triangular to elliptic, 1-2 by ¾-1 mm, outside with some hairs. Petals thin, 3 by 1-1½ mm, sometimes in the apical half the margins like pinched together, outside often with some hairs. Filamental tube about ½ part the total length of the stamens, glabrous; filaments 0.2-0.3 part, sometimes hairy; anthers 0.3-0.2 part, glabrous; dorsal appendage broad, triangular, as long as or somewhat longer than the cells, ventral appendages about half as long as the dorsal one. Ovary sometimes hairy, with 3-9 ovules; style glabrous. Fruit subtended by the dried diverging perianth, on a very short stipe, globose to elliptic before dehiscence and c. 1½-2½ cm long; valves glabrous or short-hairy, dark-coloured, with some veins like a man's skin, leathery with woody back and top, the latter folded inwards upon dehiscence. Seeds 3-6, c. 8-9 by 6-7 mm, with irregular pattern of dark and light colour, sometimes evenly dark-coloured, hilus distinct.
Mostly in primary, also in light forest, sometimes in swamp or peat forest, at low elevations and on hillsides up to 1000 m. No records from calcareous soil.