Plants 60-120 mm long. Corm obliquely flattened in the lower half with a wide crescent-shaped basal ridge. Leaves filiform, suberect, bent or slightly flexuose, 40-200 x 0.5-1 mm, sometimes ciliolate on the rib margins, grooves narrow. Bracts green in the upper half, submembranous in the lower, inner with wide brown-edged or speckled membranous margins. Flowers 20-33 mm long, yellow, usually with a spade-shaped brownish black blotch on each perianth segment, outer segments dark-veined or greenish brown on the backs. Perianth tube 4-5 mm long; segments 14-25 x 5-9 mm. Filaments 5-7 mm, slightly widened at the bases; anthers 3-6 mm long. Style 9-14 mm; stigmas more or less at the anther tips. Capsules ellipsoidal, on curved, slightly flexuose peduncles.
Cormous geophyte, 60-100 mm tall, corm with a wide, fan-like oblique basal ridge. Basal leaves several, channelled to apex. Flowers yellow, usually with brown markings, honey-scented; outer bract with narrow hyaline margins, inner bract with wide, brown-flecked hyaline margins; fruiting peduncles curved.
Cormous geophyte to 20 cm, corm with a broad, fan-like oblique base, basal ridge fibrous. Basal leaves several, channelled to apex. Flowers yellow, usually with brown markings.