Romulea Maratti

Romulée (fr)


Angiosperms > Asparagales > Iridaceae


Perennials with small globose corms with woody to cartilaginous or papery tunics. Leaves few-several, the lower 2-3 entirely sheathing (cataphylls), membranous or firm and green, foliage leaves all basal, 1-several, linear to ± filiform, the margins and midribs raised and often winged, thus with 2 narrow longitudinal grooves on each surface, the blade oval to terete in transverse section with 2 sinuses on each surface between the margin and the midrib, occasionally nearly plane with lightly thickened margins and midrib. Stem short, aerial or subterranean, sometimes above ground in fruit, simple or branched, the branching usually below the ground. Inflorescence composed of solitary flowers terminal on the peduncles, the flowers each subtended by 2 opposed bracts; bracts green, often the margins membranous to scarious and pale or ferrugineous, occasionally the inner bract entirely dry. Flowers actinomorphic, cupulate (hypocrateriform in a few South African SPECIES), variously coloured, often yellow in the centre; tepals united in a short to long tube, subequal, usually ascending below and spreading above. Filaments erect, ± contiguous, sometimes united; anthers diverging or contiguous. Ovary ovoid, style dividing at or above the level of the anthers, the branches short, usually divided for half their length. Capsules oblong. Seeds several per locule, ± globose or lightly angled, hard, glossy or matt.
Herbs, perennial, from corms. Stems: true stem aerial [subterranean and only peduncles of individual flowers aerial], simple or branched. Leaves 1–several; blade linear, oval to terete in cross section, 4-grooved (2 on each surface, on either side of thickened midrib) [2-grooved]. Inflorescences solitary flowers, interpreted as sessile, thus without pedicels; bracts inserted at ovary base, green or flushed with purple, unequal, outer exceeding inner, firm, inner bract margins membranous to scarious (rarely entirely scarious). Flowers odorless [fragrant], actinomorphic; tepals forming wide cup, connate into tube, subequal, outer whorl often slightly larger than inner; perianth tube funnel-shaped [or cylindric]; stamens symmetrical; filaments distinct [connate]; anthers usually erect, contiguous; style branching opposite or beyond anthers into 3 slender branches divided for ± 1/2 length. Capsules ovoid-oblong, walls firm, cartilaginous. Seeds many, globose; seed coat light to dark brown, often smooth, shiny. x = 13 or 14.
Small perennial herbs with annual leaves and flowers. Corm globose to bell-shaped; tunic hard, smooth. Leaves few, basal, filiform, terete, flat or compressed in section; rarely 1 or 2 leaves cauline on a short stem. Scape 1 to several, shorter than leaves, 1-flowered. Bracts 2, entire, acute, enclosing ovary, inner one often scarious or with hyaline margins. Flower erect, actinomorphic. Perianth tube short, narrowly funnel-shaped; lobes equal, spreading, narrowly elliptic to obovate. Stamens free, equilateral; anthers linear, basifixed, connivent, included. Style branches deeply bifid, filiform, emerging above or between stamens. Capsule oblong to ovoid, partly enclosed by spathes. Seeds numerous, compressed-globose, brown. [See also Green (1994: 518).]
Summer-green perennial. Corm small; tunic hard, woody, brown, usually smooth. Stem often not protruding above ground or else hidden by sheathing leaf-bases, occasionally elongate. Leaves few, much > stems, channelled, filiform, terete or compressed-cylindrical. Scape 1-several, emerging successively. Flower solitary, terminal, actinomorphic, often brightly coloured, usually funnel-shaped, within 2 spathe-valves; tube usually very short; lobes usually equal, ± spreading. Stamens symmetrical. Style-branches 3, usually deeply bifid. Capsule shortly cylindrical or ellipsoid, coriaceous. Seeds numerous, globose or angled. Spp. c. 90 mainly of S. Africa but also from Europe and tropical Africa. Adventive sp. 1.
Leaves few to several, the lower 2–3 entirely sheathing (cataphylls), green, membranous or firm; foliage leaves basal, 1-several, more or less filiform with the margins and raised midribs often transversely winged, the blade thus terete with 4 longitudinal grooves, occasionally the leaves nearly plane with margins and midrib slightly thickened or only the margins thickened and winged.
Flowers actinomorphic, cupulate (hypocrateriform in a few South African species), variously coloured, often yellow in the centre; tepals united in a short to long perianth tube, subequal, usually spreading above.
Flowers solitary and terminal, sessile, subtended by 2 opposed bracts; floral bracts green, often the margins membranous and pale or ferrugineous, occasionally the inner bract entirely dry.
Ovary globose, style dividing at or above the level of the anthers; style branches short, usually divided for half their length.
Stamens symmetrically disposed; filaments erect, more or less contiguous, sometimes united; anthers diverging or contiguous.
Stem short, aerial, or subterranean and becoming aerial in fruiting plants, simple or branching above or below the ground.
Perennial herbs with small globose corms, aerial parts dying back annually; corms with woody to firm membranous tunics.
Seeds many per locule, more or less globose or lightly angled, hard, glossy or matt.
Capsules oblong.
Life form perennial
Growth form herb
Growth support -
Foliage retention evergreen
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) -
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color
Blooming months -
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 6-12


Uses -
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Romulea unspecified picture


Romulea world distribution map, present in Albania, Australia, Burkina Faso, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Algeria, Eritrea, Spain, Ethiopia, France, Greece, Italy, Kenya, Libya, Lesotho, Morocco, Norfolk Island, New Zealand, Palau, Portugal, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Turks and Caicos Islands, Tunisia, Tanzania, United Republic of, Uganda, United States of America, Yemen, Zambia, and Zimbabwe


WFO ID wfo-4000033447
COL ID 8W376
BDTFX ID 84700
INPN ID 197258
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link


Romulea Ilmu Trichonema

Lower taxons

Romulea biflora Romulea corsica Romulea unifolia Romulea malaniae Romulea melitensis Romulea montana Romulea monadelpha Romulea numidica Romulea hantamensis Romulea jugicola Romulea kamisensis Romulea hirta Romulea komsbergensis Romulea stellata Romulea triflora Romulea tetragona Romulea revelieri Romulea rosea Romulea aquatica Romulea collina Romulea singularis Romulea tubulosa Romulea multisulcata Romulea insularis Romulea longipes Romulea toximontana Romulea tortilis Romulea autumnalis Romulea austinii Romulea cedarbergensis Romulea viridibracteata Romulea villaretii Romulea vlokii Romulea membranacea Romulea minutiflora Romulea multifida Romulea obscura Romulea namaquensis Romulea hirsuta Romulea ligustica Romulea jordanii Romulea linaresii Romulea limbarae Romulea leipoldtii Romulea macowanii Romulea tabularis Romulea syringodeoflora Romulea sulphurea Romulea subfistulosa Romulea citrina Romulea hallii Romulea sphaerocarpa Romulea tempskyana Romulea sladenii Romulea pratensis Romulea phoenicia Romulea penzigii Romulea pearsonii Romulea sanguinalis Romulea sinispinosensis Romulea setifolia Romulea saxatilis Romulea saldanhensis Romulea sabulosa Romulea speciosa Romulea schlechteri Romulea atrandra Romulea albomarginata Romulea anceps Romulea albiflora Romulea discifera Romulea maculata Romulea vinacea Romulea lilacina Romulea florentii Romulea rupestris Romulea elliptica Romulea diversiformis Romulea engleri Romulea cyrenaica Romulea gracillima Romulea gigantea Romulea flexuosa Romulea fibrosa Romulea barkerae Romulea hirsuta Romulea eburnea Romulea lutea Romulea merinoi Romulea nivalis Romulea papyracea Romulea monticola Romulea antiatlantica Romulea petraea Romulea tortuosa Romulea dichotoma Romulea cruciata Romulea pilosa Romulea quartzicola Romulea cruciata Romulea variegata Romulea alticola Romulea monophylla Romulea bifrons Romulea arnaudii Romulea flava Romulea camerooniana Romulea x viridis Romulea congoensis Romulea pudica Romulea luteiflora Romulea fischeri Romulea maroccana Romulea vaillantii Romulea eximia Romulea bocchierii Romulea variicolor var. mirandae Romulea variicolor var. martynii Romulea ramiflora Romulea requienii Romulea columnae Romulea clusiana Romulea bulbocodium