Plants 250-450 mm long. Corm obovoid, with straight acuminate basal teeth converging to a basal point. Leaves basal, filiform, 250-450 x c. 1.0-1.5 mm, grooves narrow. Bracts purplish brown or greenish, inner with wide, brown membranous margins. Flowers 40-50(-60) mm long, old-rose to dark old-rose, with a maroon blotch on each segment in the throat, cup pale yellow or greenish yellow, outer segments irregularly marked with red and greenish yellow on the backs. Perianth tube 5-8 mm long; segments 33-40(-50) x 7-14 mm, the outer often slightly longer than the inner. Filaments 9-12 mm; anthers 7-12 mm long, often reaching less than halfway up the perianth. Style 18-20 mm; stigmas usually just below the anther tips. Capsules on suberect or slightly curved peduncles.
Like R. cruciata but flowers larger, longer than 35 mm, old rose.