Plants 120-200 mm long. Corm sub-globose or ovoid, with acuminate, usually bent, basal teeth. Stem short, hidden. Leaves compressed cylindrical, arcuate or recurved, 120-200 x 1.0-2.5 mm, grooves wide, rib margins ciliate or glabrescent. Bracts green with colourless, membranous margins and tips, reaching halfway or higher up the perianth tube. Flowers 30-40 mm long, magenta-pink, with a maroon V-shaped mark on each segment near the base, outer segments striped maroon and yellow on the back. Perianth tube 15-22 mm long, tubular, widened slightly at the top; segments narrowly elliptical or oblanceolate, spreading horizontally, obtuse, 10-17 x 3-5 mm. Filaments 4-5 mm, pale; anthers 4-6 mm long, purple, pollen yellow, purple or rust-coloured. Style 22-30 mm long; stigmas reaching below to just above the anther tips.
Cormous geophyte, 80-120 mm tall, corm round at base, with curved acuminate teeth. Leaves several, curved, sparsely hairy, narrowly 4-grooved. Flowers pink to purple, tepals darker at base, tube cylindrical, 15-20 mm long; bracts green, outer with narrow and inner with broad white hyaline margins.