Plants 70-200 mm long. Corm with a crescent-shaped basal ridge. Stem short, hidden, or up to 80 mm long. Basal leaves 2 or more, filiform 70-200 x 0.5-1 mm, grooves very narrow. Inner bract green with colourless or brown-edged or streaked membranous margins. Flowers 20-50 mm long, shiny, rose to salmon-pink, sometimes almost white, with small blotches or dark veins in the throat, outer perianth segments irregularly blotched on the backs. Perianth tube 4-12 mm long; segments 16-40 x 5-10 mm. Filaments 4-10 mm, yellow or maroon, inserted above the middle of the perianth tube, subequal to the golden yellow anthers. Style 8-20 mm; stigmas lower or higher than the anther tips. Capsules shortly cylindrical, on suberect peduncles.
Cormous geophyte, up to 200 mm tall, corm with a crescent-shaped basal ridge, stem usually branching shortly above the ground. Basal leaves 2 or 3, filiform, narrowly 4-grooved. Flowers pink to coppery salmon; bracts green, inner with broad, hyaline margins.