Plants 150-300 mm long. Corm with a crescent-shaped basal ridge. Stem short, hidden or up to c. 150 mm long. Basal leaves 2 or more, terete, filiform, c. 150-300 x 1 mm, recurved, grooves narrow. Bracts green, outer 17-30 mm long, densely veined, often with a stronger median vein, margins narrow, brownish; inner with wide, brown or brown-streaked membranous margins and tip. Flowers 35-45 mm long, bright rosy-magenta, cup striped purple and yellow, outer segments on the backs yellow with 5 purple veins and feathered veining. Perianth tube 4-5 mm long; segments 25-35 x c. 10 mm subobtuse, minutely emarginate. Filaments 4 mm; anthers 8-10 mm long, pale yellow. Style 10-12 mm; stigmas below the anther tips.
Cormous geophyte, 150-300 mm tall, corm with a crescent-shaped basal ridge, stem branching below the ground. Leaves 2 or more, filiform, narrowly 4-grooved, recurved. Flowers magenta with yellow cup striped with purple; bracts green, outer with narrow and inner with broad brown-streaked hyaline margins.