Corm with a wider circular basal ridge wider than the corm itself; with tunics irregularly lacerated on the ridge into irregular fibril groups. Basal leaves filiform, 50-300 mm long, generally less than 1 mm in diam., glabrous, with narrow grooves. Inner bract with wide, almost colourless or brown-edged membranous margins. Flowers 22-33 mm long, white with a bright yellow cup, outer segments on the backs reddish or sometimes greenish. Perianth tube 4-5 mm long; segments 15-25 x 4-9 mm. Filaments 5-7 mm, orange-yellow; anthers 4-6 mm long, pale yellow. Style c. 13 mm. Capsules usually two, on widely patent, horizontal peduncles.
Cormous geophyte, 7-9 cm, corms symmetrical, bell-shaped, basal rim wide and fibrous, stems branched above ground. Basal leaves 2. Flowers white with yellow cup.