Plants up to 200 mm long. Leaves 100-200 x 0.5-1.0 mm, with the adaxial groove closed nearer the base. Bracts submembranous, the inner with wide membranous margins which are colourless towards the base and fawn upwards, and a membranous tip. Flowers with a brown or darker blotch on each segment in the throat, cup yellow, outer segments on the backs with 3-5 violet veins. Perianth tube 5-7 mm long; segments minutely apiculate, 14-20 x 6-9 mm. Filaments 5-6 mm; anthers circinnate, purplish or yellowish, pollen yellow. Style branches multifid, violet; stigmas 12 or more, small, terminal.
Cormous geophyte, 100-200 mm tall, corm round at base, with curved acuminate teeth. Leaves 2 or 3, narrowly 4-grooved. Flowers magenta with a narrow blue band and dark blotches around the yellow cup; outer bract submembranous with wide hyaline margins and tips, inner bract with wide hyaline margins; fruiting peduncles recurved and later coiled.