Plants 20-50(-100) mm high. Corm globose or obovoid, 5-7 mm diam., rounded or crested below, tunics woody, split into curved or bent, grooved teeth below. Stem subterranean. Leaves 1(2), basal, filiform, narrowly 4-grooved, sticky with adhering sand grains, purplish, 0.5-1.0 mm diam. Peduncles 1 to 3, semi-terete; outer bract submembranous below, purplish, with narrow, colourless membranous margins, 10-15 mm long, faintly veined (5 or 6 veins/mm), sticky with adhering sand grains, inner bracts ± entirely membranous with purple veins, brown-speckled near tip. Flowers pale to dark lilac with darker veining, especially in the concolorous cup, outer tepals striped purple on reverse; perianth tube funnel-shaped, 5-6 mm long; tepals oblanceolate to elliptic, 16-20 x 5-7 mm. Filaments 8-9 mm long, pilose, lilac; anthers 3.5-4.0 mm long, lilac. Style dividing opposite upper half of anthers.
Cormous geophyte, 1-3 cm, corms rounded at base with coarse, bent teeth. Basal leaf solitary, sticky with adhering sand grains. Flowers solitary, lilac with darker stripes in a pale cup. Ripe capsules recurved.