Plants 50-80 mm high. Corm subglobose, ± 10 mm diam., obliquely flattened toward base with crescent-shaped basal ridge, tunics splitting into fine parallel fibrils along basal ridge. Stem shortly exserted up to 35 mm. Leaves 2 or 3, lower 2 basal, mostly ± as long as flowering stem, terete, obtuse or subclavate, narrowly 4-grooved, 1.5-2.5 mm diam. Peduncles 1 or 2; outer bracts broadly elliptic-suborbicular, concave, obtuse, green with narrow, often purplish membranous margins, widely striate (3 veins/mm), 8-13 mm long, inner bracts similar with narrow membranous margins minutely brown-speckled along edges. Flowers bright chrome-yellow or rarely peach-coloured with 3 to 5 inconspicuous dark veins at base of cup, outer tepals rarely flushed copper or pale green on reverse, weakly clove-scented; perianth tube funnel-shaped, 7-8 mm long; tepals oblanceolate, 20-22 x 6-10 mm. Filaments 7-9 mm long, pilose, base, yellow; anthers 4-5 mm long, thecae well separated by broad connective, yellow. Style dividing opposite upper half of anthers, branches ± 3 mm long, divided to base into six filiform branchlets. Capsules and seeds unknown.
Cormous geophyte, 50-80 mm tall, corm with a crescent-shaped basal ridge. Leaves 1(2), basal, cylindrical-subclavate, narrowly 4-grooved. Flowers bright chrome-yellow or rarely peach-coloured; bracts green, with narrow translucent or sometimes purplish tinted membranous margins.