Plants 100-250(-300) mm long. Corm with an almost circular basal ridge. Stem 20-150 mm long. Basal leaves usually 2, filiform, 70-300 x 0.5-1.5 mm, grooves usually narrow. Inner bract green or greenish, with brown-streaked or sometimes colourless membranous margins. Flowers 25-45 mm long, deep old rose or bright pink with large purple or violet blotches in the throat and a small dark spot on each side of the segments, cup golden-yellow, outer segments striped or mottled on the backs. Perianth tube 4-5 mm long; segments 18-35 x 6-10 mm. Filaments 5-7 mm; anthers as long, yellow or rarely violet. Style 11-13 mm; stigmas pale or purple, at the anther tips or higher. Capsules subglobose or ellipsoid, on suberect or bent peduncles.
Cormous geophyte, 10-15 cm, corm with an oblique basal ridge, basal ridge fibrous, stem branched above ground. Basal leaves 2. Flowers pink to rose with yellow cup edged with dark blotches.