Leaves (3)4(6)-nate, the aerial ones 2·5–10 × 1–3 mm., lanceolate to oblong or ovate, obtuse at the apex, subcordate at the base, the submerged 5–25 mm. long, very narrow to capillary.
Long-styled flowers: stamens inserted ± at the middle of the tube, scarcely attaining the lobes-apex; style 3·5 mm. long, very much exserted.
Short-styled flowers: stamens long-exserted, exceeding the calyx-lobes by 1·5 mm.; style included, 0·7–1 mm. long.
Calyx up to 2·5 mm. long, campanulate; tube 1–1·7 mm. long; lobes c. 0·5–1 mm. high, triangular; appendages 0.
Petals elliptic or ovate, shortly clawed, pink-mauve; nectariferous ring slightly lobed.
Perennial caespitose usually partially submerged herb, 10–60 cm. long or more.
Stems various, arising from a creeping rhizome, rooting at the nodes, crimson.
Capsule c. 1·5 mm. long, ellipsoid, 2-valved.
Ovary 0·8–1 mm. long, ellipsoid, 2-locular.
Seeds many.