Flowers (3)4-merous in axillary sessile (1)3–12-flowered umbels; pedicels 0·4–0·5 (1·3) mm. long; bracteoles linear-subulate, as long as or longer than the pedicels.
Leaves 5–25 × 1–5 mm., decussate, sublinear or narrowly oblong, obtuse at the apex, narrowed at the base into a conspicuous petiole.
Calyx 0·75–1·3 mm. long, campanulate, without appendages; lobes 0·4–0·7 mm. long, triangular.
Seeds c. 0·4 mm. long, brownish, concave on one side, convex on the other.
Annual weak erect or sometimes decumbent herb up to 30 cm. long.
Ovary 0·5–1 mm. long, ellipsoid; style very short.
Capsule 1·5 mm. long, ellipsoid, 3-valved.
Stem simple, sometimes ± branched.
Stamens 1–3, included.
Petals 0.