An early ripening, spineless primocane-fruiting raspberry that is easy to harvest. Origin: in East Malling, Kent, U.K., by V.H. Knight, E. Keep, and J.H. Parker, Hort. Res. Intl. Sibling of Autumn Cygnet with complex derivation involving several red raspberry varieties and Rubus odoratus, R. arcticus, R. strigosus, and R. occidentalis; tested as EM 4395/65; introd. in 1994. Plant variety rights held jointly by Specialist Fruit Plants and Hort. Res. Intl. Tree: yields less than Autumn Bliss; spineless. Susceptible to Phytophthora-incited root rot in greenhouse screening test; gene A10 gives resistance to the four known strains of the European aphid vector of the raspberry mosaic virus complex. Fruit: medium to large; dark red; firm; compared to Autumn Bliss, ripens 1 week later in Kent but a few days earlier in British Columbia; good flavor.