A high quality, floricane fruiting raspberry suited to machine harvesting. Origin: Pacific Agriculture Research Centre, Agassiz, B.C. Canada, by H.A. Daubeny and C. Kempler. Newburgh × Qualicum; cross made in 1987; sel. 1990; tested as BC 87-14-20; introd. 2001. Tree: moderately productive; vigorous, upright, sturdy floricanes with medium length, upright, stiff laterals with well spaced fruit; abundant red to purple primocanes; short spines on lower part of cane are not objectionable. Susceptible to cane Botrytis (Botrytis cinerea) and to spur blight; may have some resistance to root rot; to date has not become naturally infected with raspberry bushy dwarf virus; resistant to common strain of North American aphid vector (Amphorophora agathonica) of the raspberry mosaic virus complex. Fruit: large; bright, glossy medium red; excellent quality with good flavor; most similar to Tulameen but firmer; easy to harvest.