A winter-hardy, relatively early ripening, primocane-fruiting raspberry with an attractive appearance. Origin: in Morden, Manitoba, Canada, by C. Davidson, Agr. and Agri-Food Canada, Morden Res. Centre. (Fall Red × primocane-fruiting type derived from Rubus strigosus from Cheyenne, Wyo.) × (Fall Red × Boyne); cross made in 1968; selected in 1978; tested as MRS#8114; introd. in 1993. Propagated under royalty agreement by Prairie Plant Systems, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, and by Jefferson Nurseries, Portage la Prairie, Manitoba Tree: yield similar to Red River; canes relatively long and thick; height 1 to 1.5 m; spines green, turning to red in fall; may need trellis; moderate primocane production; winter hardy to at least USDA zone 3. Fruit: small; medium bright red; attractive; firm with good drupelet coherence; conic with conspicuous round point; tendency for twin fruit to form from the same flower; flavor comparable to Red River; ripens before Heritage or Redwing, 10 days after Red River.