A high-quality, early-ripening black raspberry. Origin: in Beltsville, Md., by CJ. Galletta, USDA-ARS. Contains germplasm from both eastern and western North American black raspberry species, Rubus occidentalis and R. leucodermis, respectively, selected from open-pollinated seedling population of Oregon-US 1725 (Haut × R. leucodermis); tested as US 1631; introd. in 1996. Tree: productive; vigorous; semierect habit; very spiney canes; primocanes glaucous and green; floricanes deep purple-brown; laterals medium green; fruit on floricanes borne in compact clusters along the apical two to four nodes of lateral branches; winter hardy. Adapted to the Mid-Atlantic and Pacific Northwest regions. Fruit: medium size; black; round conic shape; firm, thick drupelet; sweet flavor; condensed early-ripening season.