A firm-fruited floricane raspberry. Origin: Univ. of Maryland by H.J. Swartz; (Titan × Willamette) × Glen Moy; sel. 1992 at the Wye Institute in Queenstown, Md.; tested as JAM-1 as part of the Universities of Maryland, Rutgers, Wisconsin River Falls, and Virginia Polytechnic Institute Bramble Breeding Program; USPP 12,350. 15 Jan. 2002. Tree: moderately vigorous and productive; sturdy, upright canes; well-presented fruit; short chilling requirement. susceptible to damage from fluctuating spring temperatures; susceptible to damage from excess residue levels of several commonly used herbicides. Fruit: large; very long narrow cavity; firm in a range of environments; mid-to late-season ripening; mild flavor; suited to shipping.