A firm-fruited raspberry with wide adaptation and ripens significantly late to extend the harvest season. Origin: Cornell Univ. at New York State Agr. Expt. Sta., Geneva, by K.E. Maloney, J.E. Reich, and J.C. Sanford. Canby × Cherokee; cross made in 1976; selected in 1980; introd. in 1998. Propagated under nonexclusive licensing arrangement with Cornell Research Foundation; USPPAF. Tree: high yield; above average cane production; sturdy almost spineless self-supporting canes that can be trellised to improve harvest efficiency; winter hardy. Less susceptible to Phytophthora-incited root rot than Titan. Fruit: medium size maintained throughout season; attractive red; firm; pleasant, mild, well-balanced flavor; easy to harvest; dry to touch; late with high percentage of fruit ripening from late July to early August.