A very late ripening fresh market floricane fruiting red raspberry adapted to the Pacific Northwest. Origin: Pacific Agriculture Research Centre, Agassiz, B.C., Canada by C. Kempler and H.A. Daubeny; Comox × Glen Ample; cross made 1989 by HAD; selected1992 by HAD; tested as BC 89-2-89; introduced in 2003; propagated under a royalty agreement with Pacific Northwest propagators. Tree: very vigorous with upright habit; abundant long and thick primocanes that are light green color with no spines; floricanes gray brown color with silvery shine; very little cracking; short very upright, strongly attached fruit laterals with well spaced fruit; winter hardy in coastal Pacific Northwest. Relatively susceptible to spur blight and to cane Botrytis; resistant to anthracnose; susceptible to raspberry bushy dwarf; resistant to the North American vector of the raspberry mosaic virus complex, the aphid, Amphorophora agathonica; relatively susceptible in the field to root rot caused by Phytophthora fragariae var. rubi. Fruit: very large with thick drupelets; light to medium red and slightly dull; pleasant flavor; drupelets can break when picked prematurely from receptacle; not suitable for machine harvest; ripens 5 to 7 d later than Tulameen.