Origin: in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, by S.O. Fejer and L.P.S. Spangelo, Canada Dept. Agr. Res. Sta. Muskoka × Trent; cross made in 1948, selected in 1952 by L.P.S. Spangelo, tested as 48-26-02; introd. in 1972. Tree: short canes, primocanes slender, erect, strong, with very few branches; very winter hardy; productive. Tolerant to leaf curl virus and spur blight; less susceptible to powdery mildew than Carnival; susceptible to the North American aphid vector of the raspberry mosaic virus complex. Fruit: large, oval; medium red, glossy; firm, good cohesion, needs moderate picking force, more acid and less aromatic than Carnival; early to midseason ripening; suitable for jam, good freezing qualities.