A high-yielding, early ripening fresh-market raspberry. Origin: in Vancouver British Columbia, Canada, by H.A. Daubeny and C. Kempler, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Pacific Agr. Res. Centre. Meeker × BC/SCRI 7853/116 (selection has complex parentage, including Nootka, Rubus occidentalis, R. phoenicolasius); cross made by HAD in 1985; selected in 1987; tested as BC 85-5-24; introd. in 1996. Propagated under a royalty agreement by Sieglin Ent., Abbotsford, British Columbia Tree: high yield; vigorous, fairly upright habit; adequate primocane numbers; winter hardiness appears similar to Meeker and less than Chilliwack. Relatively susceptible to spur blight; susceptible to cane spot; resistant to cane Botrytis; relatively susceptible to Phytophthora root rot in greenhouse screening test; susceptible to natural infection by raspberry bushy dwarf virus; resistant to the common strain of the North American aphid vector of the raspberry mosaic virus complex. Fruit: large; firm; conic; glossy medium red; easy to harvest; flavor not as sweet as Chilliwack but considered good; good shelf life; intermediate reaction to Botrytis postharvest rot; ripens earlier than any other high-quality Pacific Northwest variety.