Origin: in East Malling, England, by E. Keep and V.H. Knight, Hort. Res. Intl. Third backcross derivative of Rubus cockburnianus × Malling Joy; cross made in 1974; tested as EM 3650/6; introd. in 1989. Tree: moderate yield; moderate number of tall, rather spreading canes; deeply pigmented; glabrous with medium-sized spines; long, very floriferous laterals; fruit well presented; occasionally produces floriferous basal laterals that tend to ripen later than other laterals. Somewhat susceptible to cane Botrytis and to spur blight; some resistance to cane spot; has gene A10 conferring resistance to the four known races of the European aphid virus vector of the raspberry mosaic virus complex; appears to have resistance to infection by pollen transmission of the common strain of raspberry bushy dwarf virus but becomes infected by graft inoculation. Fruit: medium to large; firm; oval to conic; dark red, slightly dull; easily removed from receptacle; moderate acid flavor; late fresh-market use.