A very early-ripening floricane raspberry that produces a substantial crop on primocanes. Origin: Cornell Univ. at New York State Agr. Expt. Sta., Geneva, by K.E. Maloney, J.E. Reich, and J.C. Sanford. NY 817 [Hilton × NY 600 (Durham × September)] × Hilton; cross made in 1971; tested as NY 1009; introd. in 1998. Propagated under nonexclusive licensing arrangement with Cornell Research Foundation; USPPAF. Tree: combined summer and fall yields above average; vigorous, numerous canes; spines sparse; winter hardy. Fruit: medium size; red; firm; round; uniform; mild and pleasant flavor; easy to harvest; floricane produc-tion extremely early; primocane production season similar to Heritage.