Origin: by R. Bauer at the MaxPlanck-Inst., Koln. '4a' × Andenken an Paul Camenzind; cross made in 1960; selected in 1976 in Breitbrunn/Chiemsee; introd. in 1979 by Ahrens and Sieberz, D-5200 Siegburg-Seligenthal. Tree: moderately productive; vigorous; thick spiny canes with long, strong fruiting laterals; primocanes numerous. Resistant to the most common race of the European aphid vector of the raspberry mosaic virus complex and to cane and root diseases. Somewhat susceptible to wet and windy weather so needs windbreak. Fruit: large; oval-conic with large drupelets; medium to dark red; medium firm; aromatic flavor with high acidity; ripens midseason; fresh-market and deep-freezing use.