Origin: by R. Bauer at the Max-Planck-Inst., Koln. Promiloy [Malling Promise × (Lloyd George × Preussen)] × '4a'; cross made in 1960, selected in 1976 in Breitbrunn/Chiemsee; introd. in 1985 by Haberli, CH-9315 Neukirch-Egnach. Tree: medium to high yield; very vigorous; upright habit; moderately spiny; number of primocanes high. Resistant to the most common race of the European aphid vector of the raspberry mosaic virus complex, and to cane and root diseases. Fruit: large; broad ovalconic; drupelets numerous, large; attractive medium red; easy to harvest; very aromatic flavor; late ripening season; moderately susceptible to preharvest Botrytis rot; good shelf life; fresh-market and freezing use.