Origin: by R. Bauer at the Max-Planck-Inst., Koln. Geloy [Geneva 17861 × (Lloyd George × Preussen)] × '4a'; cross made in 1960; selected in 1976 in Breitbrunn/Chiemsee; in trod. in 1987 by Haberli, CH-9315 Neukirch-Egnach. Tree: productive; moderate vigor; nearly spine-free; thin canes with long to medium length laterals; primocanes numerous; tends to develop flowers and fruit in late autumn. Resistant to the most common race of the European aphid vector of the raspberry mosaic virus complex, and to cane and root diseases. Fruit: round; light to medium red; firm; rather sour; aromatic; ripens midseason; well displayed on the plant and easy to pick; moderately susceptible to preharvest Botrytis rot; fresh-market use.