Origin: in Santa Clara Valley, Calif., by J.M. Reiter and E.V. Goldsmith. Parentage unknown; selected in 1973; introd. in 1979; U.S. plant patent 4486. Tree: productive; with 65% of the crop on primocanes and 35% on floricanes; primocanes upright, rigid, nonbranching, light green with soft light brown spines at base; floricanes light brown and branching. Fruit: medium size; rose to rose red; firmer than Willamette, softer than Heritage; conic and symmetric; individual drupelets sometimes irregular in size; well-exposed; easy separation from receptacle; Watsonville, Calif. production peaks on primocanes during September and into early October and on floricanes during June and first week in July; can be produced continuously from May until December.