An early ripening, high yielding floricane raspberry with apricot-colored fruit. Origin: East Malling Research Station, Kent UK by Vicky Knight. EM 6225/11 × EM 5588/81; cross made in 1990; selected in 1994; tested as EM 6432/71; introd. in 2005. Tree: new canes are tall and upright with few spines; canes show nil or only slight cane Botrytis, spur blight and cane spot; early flowering but little evidence of frost damage; crops well towards base of cane; high yielding; well presented fruit; resistant to biotypes 1 through 4 of A idaei, the European aphid vector of the raspberry mosaic virus complex; appears to have field resistance to RBDV; resistant to root rot in glasshouse pot tests. Fruit: medium to large; blunt conical; bright, pink-apricot color; easily picked; fair to good flavor; soft skin; color goes uneven after 72 hours at ambient temperature and high humidity very attractive on plant.