Leaves 4–23 x 2·5–15 cm., 2–3-jugate or the uppermost ternate or simple, tending to be rather stiff and leathery in texture; petiole and rhachis ± glabrous and aculeate like the stems, or sparsely pilose on the adaxial side, occasionally with scattered stipitate glandular hairs; distal leaflets subsessile, proximal ones with petiolules c. 2–3 mm. long; terminal leaflet with petiolule 0·5–1·5 cm. long.
A scrambling shrub. It grows 2 m tall. The flowering branches are red and have prickles. The leaves are 4-23 cm long by 3-15 cm long they have 2-3 sections. The leaflets ae oval with irregular teeth. The flowers occur singly or in groups in the axils of leaves. The petals are white to pink. The fruit are 1.2 cm long and black. They are edible.
Leaflets ovate, ovate-acute or more rarely narrowly ovate-acute to elliptic-acute, shallowly and irregularly serrate; supsrior surface dark yellowish-green, glabrous; inferior surface paler green, glabrous or with nerves sparsely appressed-pilose, the midrib and quite often lateral nerves prickly.
Calyx tomentose, glabrescent, sometimes tomentose inside and glabrous outside, sometimes with glandular hairs, deeply divided into triangular-acuminate lobes 7–10 mm. long.
Flowering branches ± glabrous or sparsely weakly pilose, reddish, sometimes whitish-pruinose below, moderately to very prickly; prickles 1–3 mm. long, straight, deflexed.
Flowers solitary or in axillary clusters, usually hidden among leaves (see note at end); psdicels very prickly.
Fruit globose, c. 1·2 mm. long, black and edible when ripe; carpels few, large, glabrous or apically pubescent.
Petals white to pink, slightly exceeding to 2 x calyx length, with subcircular limb and narrow claw.
Stipules narrowly elliptic to narrowly obovate-acute.
Scrambling shrub up to 2 m. tall.